Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Butt Liar

Some people say a good liar never gets detected, but I believe that every lie will be revealed sooner or later. If a turtle would to race against Usain Bolt, with a lead start he might can run half the track, then Usain Bolt would catch up to him. I know that was a terrible metaphor for how the truth will always win in the end. Though I do think it's true, that you can lie if you want to, but your lie will some day bite you in the butt. Humans weren't programmed to lie, and when you lie, at first you're really cautious that no one will realize you're lying, but with time people tend to get more unwary and the truth will kick their lies in the butt and put the lies behind bars. That is why humans should never make use of lies, lies are too powerful of a tool of delusion for us to handle.

Always Think, Always Question - Nicklas Persson

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